Refund Policy

Refund Policy for Premium Plans

When paying by credit card, you can cancel your Premium plan at any time within the first 14 days and receive a full refund. No questions asked!

If the first 14 days have ended and you feel you deserve a refund, click here to tell us why and we will review your request.

Refund Policy Details
The 14 day trial period includes the first 14 days after upgrading your site from free to Premium. The 14 day trial period does not apply to renewal payments.

The 14-day trial period is valid for initial Premium plan purchases only.  The period does not apply for upgrades of existing Premium plans.

If you decide to cancel your Premium plan within the 14 day trial period, your plan will be canceled immediately and you will no longer be able to make use of our Premium features.

Purchases made with SEPA aren't covered by our 14 day money back guarantee. You can contact your bank directly if you need to cancel the payment.

If you are eligible for a refund, or partial refund, your credit card will be refunded automatically.

Additional Information
If you canceled within 72 hours of a purchase (during the trial period) it is likely that the transaction was canceled before the funds settled. If this is the case, instead of receiving a refund, the original charge(s) will drop away from your account within 20 business days.

Please allow up to 20 business days for your refund to appear on your credit card statement.

Metanoz is not responsible for any bank charges, commissions or overdrafts. The only way to remove these charges is through direct negotiation with your bank.